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Organic Spirulina Tablet: Health Supercharger Supplement- Myth Or Reality


Every wondered why all celebrities & film stars in the fashion industry look so perfect & have such perfect physiques’.  People generally try to pass off the attractive physique of these Celebrities by saying, “Ohhh, they have a lot of money, so they have a lot of resources & beauticians to make them look great”. But have you ever wondered if there was something else they were doing, that helps them looking eternally young, attractive, fit, energetic along with a unblemished skin, despite their tight schedules?

Have you ever tried to think beyond the generic, common & regular diet perceptions like rice, dal, roti, salad, veggies etc when it comes to diet? What is it that these celebrities do which makes them look so evergreen and so timeless? Do they diet, do they starve, how many rotis do they eat? Which dal is the best? How many carbs do they cut? Which protein supplement do they consume? Is this good, or is that  good? The confusion is endless & one ends up in the middle of nowhere.

Forget it all. The answer lies in one big area for sure. The area which over-rules going to the Gym, burning calories while running, jogging or swimming. The area which is the 70% element when it comes to remaining fit. Well, you guessed it right. Its the area of a well-balanced, wholesome & high quality diet. A diet rich in nutrients & micronutrients, Vitamin-A, Vitamin-B, Vitamin-C, Vitamin-D, Vitamin-E, Omega-3 & Omega-6 and most importantly a diet with high quality pure & natural protein.


To lose weight & to look fit, most people or Gym trainers suggest one or another synthetic protein powders. Their logic is that these protein powders are low in carbohydrates & fat, a person does not gain weight which causes the body to shed it’s pounds & one is able to lose weight fast. Several options are available in these synthetic protein powders like: Whey Protein, Whey Isolate, Whey Raw, Whey Concentrate, Whey Blend, Soya Protein, Slow Absorbing, Fast absorbing, Proteins for Men, Proteins for Women, different Flavors, Sweetened, Bland etc. Feeling dizzy already? I’m having a headache too just thinking of all this chaos. Imagine what happens when one has to decide between all these options with no surety whether the protein will suit your body or not.

Organic Spirulina tablets image

This is further compounded when you get to know that a majority of the protein brands available in India are either fake, adulterated, counterfeit, unregistered or unapproved. Sounds terrifying. Doesn’t it? Well that’s the fact for a majority of Protein Powder brands available in India. Plenty of articles are available on this subject on the internet. You can use your fingers to walk the internet with your keyboard and find out for yourself on this topic. You’ll be shocked at the number of counterfeit products available in India. 

But it doesn’t stop here. In their desperation to give fast results, many brands are known to add Steroids or Hormones which can cause a lot of health problems especially some of which may be irreversible. Not to forget the bad effects that these products may have on your body, especially the Kidneys, which are one of the most important & critical organs of the body playing a role in the filtration & purification of the human body.


After all the sweat & tears put in to achieve their success, do you really think celebrities would ever risk their lives & endanger themselves, their name & fame by using generic options? There is definitely something these Celebrities use which most people do not know of. Something which is safe, something which is well-balanced, wholesome, is high on quality, rich in nutrients & micronutrients, loaded with Vitamin-A, Vitamin-B, Vitamin-C, Vitamin-D, Vitamin-E, Omega-3, Omega-6 and also most importantly with high quality pure & natural protein. Most importantly, something which is light on the kidneys, Vegan, Organic, Pure & rich in fiber too.

Let’s remove the suspense. This secret Superfood of Celebrities is called Organic SPIRULINA. The most Natural, Organic & Nutri-Dense food supplement available today. Reports suggest that it is known as ‘The Most Powerful Food On Earth’ and loaded with 70% Protein, all the Vitamins, Minerals, Nutrients, Micro Nutrients, Omega-3, Omega-4, Calcium & has almost 58% more Iron than Spinach. And yet is easy on the kidneys & other organs of the body, which makes it known as ‘The Polite Protein’.

No wonder SPIRULINA is also known as ‘The Secret Superfood Of Celebrities’. The nutritional value of this wonderful food supplement is so good that it is also being explored by the National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) as the most suitable food for long & deep Space Travels. NASA even calculated that I KG of Spirulina contains as many nutrients as available in 1000 KG of fruits & vegetables.

How wonderful it is, to have such a wonderful dietary treasure available in today’s time. What’s more, Spirulina is best suited for both Men & women equally. Wonderful!! Isn’t it?


It doesn’t stop here. The health benefits of Spirulina can be compared with Eggs. While Spirulina has 57.5 GM of protein per 100 GM, Egg has 12.6 GM. Not only this, Spirulina scores over Eggs in all areas as it offers, higher dietary fibre, lesser sugar, more Vitamin-A, B, C, E, higher Calcium, Higher Iron, higher Beta-Carotene, Higher ALA. Other than this Spirulina contains similar quantities of Omega-3 & Omega-6, Trans Fats, Saturated Fats. This makes Spirulina an excellent Source of Vegan energy comparable with eggs.


With such powerful health benefits & with such a high nutritional value, do you think anyone who knows the power of Spirulina, can ignore this exceptional food supplement? No wonder this superfood is used extensively by celebrities around the world to keep themselves physically healthy & active. The nutritional richness of Spirulina is also effectively utilized by these celebrities as a perfect source of VEGAN PROTEIN, which offers them all the benefits expected from a high protein source without the side effects & shortcomings of Synthetic Proteins & Powders.

So now that you’re aware of what celebrities use to keep themselves in perfect health, unlimited energy, great physique and that too with an unblemished skin despite reaching advanced age, let us talk about a few well-known celebrities who have openly accepted & endorsed using Spirulina for its high nutritional value & exceptional health benefits.


Malaika Arora also known as the ‘Chaiya Chaiya Girl’ and always in the news as a role model for physical fitness, agelessness & an aspirational figure. No doubt her personality requires a lot of discipline and control both with respect to her physical exercise & diet. Her love for Spirulina is well known as a part of her fitness regime.


Member of the British Royal Family & married to Prince William, she is second in line to the British throne as the future British Queen. Her grace & beauty has everyone in awe of her and she has a huge fan following.

She is said to use Spirulina as an integral part of her diet regime, which has seen her lose weight & stay fit ever since her wedding in 2011 along with physical exercise.


Miranda Kerr is a very well-known & famous Australian Model. She was also the first Australian model to represent the well-known, super premium high fashion brand ‘Victoria’s Secret’. She also has her own range of Organic Skin Care Products by the name of Kora Organics. She has often been vocal in her endorsement of Spirulina, many times saying that she was a fan of Spirulina & that Spirulina is the most complete food source in the world.


Oprah Winfrey is immensely popular around the world for her American Talk Show, ‘The Oprah Winfrey Show’. She has been known as ‘The Queen Of All Media’ for her immensely popular celebrity talk show worldwide. She has been known as the richest African- American of the 20th century & was once the only black Billionaire. She was also ranked as the ‘Most Influential Woman In The World’ at one time.

Oprah Winfrey has been a great fan & user of Spirulina. Oprah Winfrey has listed Spirulina as a ‘Miracle Food’ in an article on her social media sites.


Sister of the renowned model, Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian is a well-known actress, popular model & media personality. It is very well known that Kourtney Kardashian is very picky about what she eats. She has candidly spoken on many occasions that she likes to consume Spirulina at 11 AM after her workout and also praises its ability to improve ‘Skin tone & Boost Radiance’. What she ensures is that the Spirulina she consumes is GMO Free, Organic, Vegan, Gluten free, Soy Free & preservatives free.


Kate Winslet & Gwyneth Paltrow:

Kate Winslet who played the lead role as ‘ROSE’ in the immensely popular film TITANIC & Gwyneth Paltrow who played the role of ‘PEPPER POTTS’ in the popular film series ‘IRON MAN’ have often spoken about the Vegan Protein Packed Spirulina. Both of them have often spoken of the health benefits of Spirulina, as to how it keeps them energized across the day despite hectic schedules & intense workout sessions.


PRE OR POST WORK OUT SUPPLEMENT: Spirulina helps pamper the body muscles after an intense workout & keeps them happy. This helps you to achieve your fitness goals faster. Because Spirulina is loaded with minerals, vitamins, calcium, iron, nutrients & micronutrients etc in optimum quantity & low calorie, these energy balls can fill up all the nutritional blanks in your body & supplement you with adequate strength for your muscles & great endurance. Spirulina provided 58% more Iron than Spinach in normal form, therefore it ensures better oxygen supply to the muscles via blood.

WEIGHT MANAGEMENT: Weather it is weight loss, weight gain or general weight management or control, being rich in dense proteins, Spirulina is a wonderful & dependable companion. Being, low in sugar & trans fats, while at the same time, being high in fiber, Vegan Protein & all other nutrients & micronutrients, Spirulina works wonders as a low-calorie food. Because of these qualities, Spirulina helps to lose weight without losing nutrition. Due to it’s ability to maintain Lean Tissues, it contributes to fat burning & increase body metabolism. Spirulina helps to improve BMI within 3 months & is great as a great Post-Workout supplement. Not only this, but Spirulina is also wonderful in avoiding ‘Mid-Life Weight Gain’ significantly.

POSITIVE HEART HEALTH: Plenty of references are available today, where Spirulina has been found to be of great benefit in improving Cardiac health. Spirulina can protect the heart as it cuts down cholesterol significantly. Spirulina Supplementation has been known to cut down cholesterol, assisting lower risk of arteriosclerosis & lower chances of stroke. As a supplement that boosts energy, Spirulina can help reverse the changes & damage done to the heart due to a poor & inadequate diet thereby helping it pump better.

GREAT BODY DETOX: What good is a Super-Food if it cannot detox the body? Spirulina is a heavy metal detox & eliminates heavy metals, especially Arsenic from the body. Not only this, Spirulina is a great body Alkalizer. This unique property of Spirulina helps to remove toxins & pollutants from the body. Spirulina is very high on Anti-Oxidants, which help to protect the body from degeneration & harmful effects of pollution. This richness of Spirulina in Anti-Oxidants is great in protecting the immune system & increasing body immunity. The high nutritional value of Spirulina & the Detoxifying properties of Spirulina can greatly support health by energizing & purifying the body thereby protecting it from external damage while making it strong internally, at the same time keeping us sharp & focused always.

GENERAL WEAKNESS & LOW ENERGY: The high stress life due to work pressures, deadlines, fight for survival, mad competition, changing lifestyles are becoming common now a days. These new times have brought forward newer types of problems especially on the health front. Everyone is on the rush & nobody we see now a days has time to enjoy a peaceful, wholesome meal & find time for adequate physical activity. Even the food quality is at times doubtful due to adulterations which is further complicated by high pollution. It is no secret that India is home to a majority of the most polluted cities in the world, with 6 major cities figuring in the Top-10 Most polluted cities in the world, as per a recent survey. While this is no reason for pride, so much pollution definitely impacts the quality of air we breathe, the water we drink & even the natural dietary produce available for us. No wonder never ending tiredness, weakness, unexplained tiredness etc are so common to see now a days, even in the young population. Spirulina helps to reduce the ‘Time to Fatigue’ significantly.

IMPROVING SKIN TEXTURE SKIN QUALITY & HAIR: Our skin reflects our health. Ever wondered why all the celebrities are glowing with radiance, have so such supple skin& looking so ageless? We all know that Proteins are the basic building blocks of life. The richness of Spirulina with High Quality Protein, Multi Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Beta Carotene are a great boost for beautiful looking skin. Being a very rich source of Chlorophyll, Spirulina acts as a natural cleanser of the body resulting in a healthy skin benefitting the texture of your hair as a bonus. Your smile will compliment it all & make you look more radiant always.

HOW TO KNOW WHICH SPIRULINA IS BEST: Spirulina is also known as ‘The Blue Green Algae’ due to its natural colour. Spirulina is grown only in water & does not come in contact with land. It therefore requires very large sized pools with controlled sunlight for it to give you all the expected health benefits.

For the best quality Spirulina, it has to be grown in a pollution free, controlled environment away from other industries to avoid any toxic affluents or hard metals. The entire process is very delicate & requires special cultivation & harvesting technology which has to be automated majorly. This automation helps to maintain consistency of quality which is very important for the best health benefits.

Moreover due to all the operational challenges, it is important to ensure that the Spirulina being considered for consumptions must be Organic, Pure, GMO Free, Gluten Free, Free from Pesticides & Herbicides.

To ensure this, always prefer a brand which is certified by USDA Organic, EU-Organic, ECOCERT Certified, Control Union Certified, FSSC 22000 Certified, India Organics-NPOP Certified & to top it up, also KOSHER Validated. All these are the top most quality & organic certifying agencies in the world & assure a safe product for long term use.

Always ask for these certifications when you decide upon a brand of Spirulina for your personal use.  The absence of these certifications should ring a bell of concern in your mind & you should avoid using the product as it may not be pure and not safe for long-term consumption.

ORGANIC SPIRULINA TABLETS USES & IT’S DOSAGE?: Organic Spirulina tablet is very safe to use & equally suited for Men & Women. However it is important to keep in mind that to get the best benefits from any supplement, it must be used long term with discipline. Taking a natural supplement for a few days is as good as not taking it at all.

Spirulina can be safely used from 1 to 8 Grams daily. Different dosages are recommended for different health goals. Some of the suggestive dosage regimes for the indications we discussed are as follows:

  • PRE OR POST WORK OUT SUPPLEMENT: 2-4 Grams Daily (4-8 Tablets of 500 MG each)
  • WEIGHT MANAGEMENT: 2 Grams Daily (4 Tablets of 500 MG each)
  • GENERAL WEAKNESS & LOW ENERGY: 2 Grams Daily (4 Tablets of 500 MG each)
  • GREAT BODY DETOX: 2 Grams Daily (4 Tablets of 500 MG each)
  • POSITIVE HEART HEALTH: 1 Gram Daily (2 Tablets of 500 MG each)

Organic Spirulina tablets is available in various forms as follows:

Tablets: 500 MG

Capsules: 500 MG (Veg or Non-Veg Outer)

Dry Powder: Dried & packed (100 GM, 500 GM, 1 KG, 5 KG)

While there are different preferences upon different mindsets, the effect is similar with all forms. Spirulina is a tasteless, odorless product. So it does not have compliance issues & can be used easily by everyone. While tablets & capsules are available in dosage of 500 MG, powders are available in packs of 100 GM, 500 GM, 1 KG or even 5 KG. Consumption depends on individual health needs & objectives.

I personally prefer & recommend organic spirulina tablets 500mg each because they are smaller in size & easy to swallow. Moreover there is an assurance of being 100% pure Vegan, besides offering a precise dosage. Capsules on the other hand are a bit bigger in size, have a peculiar odour which everyone does not like & are available in Non-Vegetarian, Vegetarian or Gelatin forms. The Non-Vegetarian Capsules can be a bit cheaper. Furthermore, these tablets or capsules come in packs of 60’2, 100’s, 120’s etc.

A pack of 120 Tablets of Organic Spirulina tablets is best as besides being more economical, it is a complete monthly quota of Spirulina, thereby ensuring continuity in supplementation. So make your choice carefully.

So now that you know all about Organic Spirulina tablets benefits for health, what are you waiting for? Choose your brand best suitable for you, top up your energy quotient & join the many celebrities who are already enjoying the benefits of this exceptional & wonderful health secret hidden for so long. Go ahead & surpass yourself everyday.

Stay Healthy, Stay Happy!!

Blog Authored by:


M.D, A.M., D.A.T, D.MAG- UK

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