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Original price was: ₹1,250.00.Current price is: ₹748.00.

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Presentation: Bottle Of 60 VEGAN CAPSULES of 500 MG Each
Dose: 1 Capsule Daily With Water At Breakfast


  • 100% Pure, Original & Natural product

  • Wonder supplement for controlling & preventing Urinary Tract Infections

  • Powerhouse of high nutrient & antioxidant properties

  • Does not allow UTI causing pathogens & bacteria to stick inside the Urinary tract

  • Super powered with high content of Proanthocyanidins, also known as PAC to fight UTI effectively

  • Strengthens & boosts Urinary Immune System to fight ‘Uro-Pathogens’

  • Powerful Anti-Oxidant Effect for great ‘Anti-Aging’ benefits

  • Very high source of natural Vitamin-C to build & boost immunity

  • Helps for a wonderful skin, improves skin tone, quality & texture


  • What are the primary benefits of using American Cranberry Capsules for Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)?
    American Cranberry Capsules are highly effective for providing long-term relief from Urinary Tract Infections (UTI). The capsules prevent UTI-causing bacteria, such as E.Coli, from adhering to the urinary tract, thereby flushing them out before they can cause harm. This makes Cranberry Capsules a natural and safe alternative for maintaining urinary tract health without the side effects associated with antibiotics for urine infection. The benefits of Cranberry pills Urinary Tract Infection is well documented.
  • How do American Cranberry Capsules help prevent the recurrence of UTI?
    The key ingredient in American Cranberry Capsules, ‘PROANTHOCYANIDINS’ (PAC), prevents E.Coli bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract walls. This action helps flush out the bacteria, reducing the chances of recurring infections. Regular use of Cranberry Capsules for UTI ensures a healthy urinary tract, providing long-term relief from the discomfort of frequent infections.
  • Are American Cranberry Capsules benefits effective for both men and women?
    Yes, American Cranberry Capsules are effective for both men and women. While women are more prone to UTIs due to anatomical differences, men can also benefit from the preventive properties of Cranberry Capsules. The Cranberry Capsules benefits extend to anyone looking to maintain a healthy urinary tract and avoid the pain and discomfort of UTIs. Cranberry pills Urinary Tract Infection offers long term relief.
  • How does the PROANTHOCYANIDINS (PAC) in Cranberry Capsules work against UTI?
    PROANTHOCYANIDINS (PAC) in Cranberry Capsules work by inhibiting the ability of E.Coli bacteria to stick to the walls of the urinary tract. By preventing this adhesion, the bacteria are flushed out of the body, reducing the risk of infection. This mechanism makes Cranberry Capsules for UTI a powerful natural remedy for preventing and managing urinary tract infections unlike antibiotics for urine infection.
  • Can Cranberry Capsules benefits replace antibiotics for urine infection?
    While Cranberry Capsules are effective for preventing UTIs, they should not replace antibiotics during an active infection. Antibiotics are necessary to treat an existing UTI where symptoms may be severe. However, Cranberry Capsules can be used as a preventive measure to avoid recurring infections and maintain long-term urinary tract health. Unlike antibiotics for urine infection, Cranberry a valuable addition to your healthcare routine, especially after completing a course of antibiotics for urine infection for long term UTI free life.
  • What are the symptoms of UTI?
    UTI are characterized by a feeling of pain in the lower abdomen, close to the Urinary outlet. It is also known to cause irritation of the urinary lining leading to a feeling of ‘Chilies or Fire’ while urinating. This can be accompanied by fever at times & an overall tiredness. In addition to pain while urinating, it can also be accompanied with a frequency urge to urinate, urge but inability to urinate, slow urination, urine leakage, sudden need to urinate, blood in urine, cloudy urine with odor.
  • How is UTI diagnosed?
    UTI is initially diagnosed with physical diagnosis or symptoms described by the patient to the doctor. It is confirmed by the doctor recommending you for a Urine sample or tests to confirm the presence of UTI as urinary discomfort can also happen due to dietary reasons or as a side effect of any strong medicines that you may be taking.
  • How is the antibiotic or medicine for UTI decided?
    UTI can be very tricky to handle as the bacteria causing it keep evolving & becoming more resistant to antibiotics with passage of time. Therefore, your doctor can recommend for a ‘Culture & Sensitivity Test’ with your Urine sample & accordingly decide which antibiotic or medicine will be most effective against the bacteria bothering you.
  • What is a ‘Culture & Sensitivity Test?
    The Culture & Sensitivity test as the name says is a test conducted on your urine sample. This test generally takes 72 Hours to complete as the problem causing bacteria in your urine is isolated & grown in a lab in a good number. It is then tested with various drugs or antibiotics to see which one will be most effective against the bacteria bothering you. Accordingly, the lab report shares the list of antibiotics which will be most effective against the bacteria that your urinary tract is infested with. Based upon this report & your physical condition, the doctor will decide the best suited medicine for you.
  • Can UTI be permanently cured?
    UTI can be very persistent, stubborn and have a habit of coming back again & again. This property is known as a ‘relapse’. The reasons for relapse can be many, however one main reason for relapse is the ability of E.Coli to stick inside the Urinary Tract and its constant evolution, leading to ‘Drug Resistance’ because of which many antibiotics are not able to eradicate it.
  • How can I avoid UTI?
    Since Urinary Tract Infections mainly occur due to poor urinary area hygiene, unprotected sex, diabetes it is therefore advisable to maintain good hygiene of the urinary area after urinating. One of the best ways to avoid UTIs in women or men is to wash the urinary area front to back to avoid contamination from the anal area. Also it is advisable to urinate after sexual contact although it is best to have a protected sexual contact.
  • Is there any way to avoid recurrence of UTI?
    Yes. Cranberry has been found to be an effective way to avoid recurrence of UTIs. Out of these American Cranberry has been found to be most effective in countering recurrent Urinary Tract Infections.
  • How does American Cranberry help to avoid recurrent UTIs?
    American Cranberry has been found to be very rich in a compound called Proanthocyanidins also known as PAC. These Proanthocyanidins have been found to be very effective in not allowing the primary UTI causing bacteria E.Coli to stick to the mucosal (inner) lining of the urinary tract. Therefore, regular use of American Cranberry has been found to be highly effective & helpful in preventing recurrence of Urinary Tract Infections.
  • Why are Cranberry Capsules benefits preferred over Cranberry juice for UTI prevention?
    Cranberry juice is often loaded with artificial sugars, which can aggravate UTI symptoms and are unsuitable for diabetics. Moreover, the concentration of PROANTHOCYANIDINS (PAC) in cranberry juice is almost nonexistent, making it ineffective for UTI prevention. In contrast, Cranberry Capsules contain a concentrated amount of PAC, providing all the benefits without the downsides of sugar-laden juices. For effective UTI prevention, Cranberry Capsules for UTI are the better choice. Cranberry pills Urinary Tract Infection score over Cranberry juice by several times.
  • How should I take American Cranberry Capsules for the best results?
    For optimal and best Cranberry Capsule benefits, use on capsule daily at breakfast. Consistency is key to maintaining urinary tract health and preventing UTIs. By incorporating Cranberry Capsules into your daily routine, you can enjoy long-term relief from UTI symptoms and reduce the likelihood of recurrence.
  • Are there any side effects associated with American Cranberry Capsules?
    American Cranberry Capsules are generally safe and have no known side effects when taken as directed. They are a natural supplement, making them a safer alternative to medications with potential side effects. Always buy Cranberry supplements for sale from reputed sellers like SKYTAG to get the best product of the highest assured quality.
  • What is the American Cranberry Capsules price, and where can I buy them?
    The Cranberry Capsules price varies depending on the brand and quantity. Cranberry supplements for sale are widely available online and in health stores. When purchasing Cranberry supplements for sale, it's important to buy from reputable sources to ensure you're getting a high-quality product. Look for Cranberry supplements for sale from trusted retailers to find the best deals on Cranberry Capsules price on ongoing discounts if any.
  • How long does it take to see the benefits of Cranberry Capsules for UTI?
    The benefits of Cranberry Capsules for UTI prevention can typically be seen after 3 to 4 weeks of consistent use. However, the key to long-term relief is regular use, as Cranberry Capsules work best when taken daily to maintain a healthy urinary tract. With continued use, you can significantly reduce the risk of recurring UTIs and enjoy the full Cranberry Capsules benefits. Cranberry Capsules price vs benefit ratio is perfectly balanced to say goodbye to urinary infections naturally.
  • What is the best dose of American Cranberry Capsules in protecting from Urinary Tract Infections?
    If your brand is a pure & original American Cranberry product, a dose of 500 MG daily, 30 to 45 minutes after breakfast, lunch or dinner should be fine.
  • Is it safe to consume American Cranberry Capsules?
    Yes. American Cranberry is a very safe product to use. However, patients on blood thinners like Aspirin, Warfarin or any other blood thinner should avoid Cranberry. Every medicine or supplement should be taken only under your doctor’s supervision during pregnancy or lactation.
  • Which form of American Cranberry is better? Tablets or Capsules?
    Any form which assures a pure & original form of American Cranberry & high PAC content is fine. However Capsules may be more effective as the use of binding & compressions tech is avoided in them, keeping their originality intact. is a pure & original American Cranberry product, a dose of 500 MG daily, 30 to 45 minutes after breakfast, lunch or dinner should be fine.
  • What is the safest & highest dose of American Cranberry that can be consumed?
    Cranberry is safe even up to 1500 MG daily. However, a 500 MG dose of Pure & Original American Cranberry for 6 months is not only precise, but also standardized, making it most effective in preventing & fighting UTI. You can pause for 2 months & restart if you are prone to recurrent UTIs to prevent bacterial build up in your urinary tract.
  • For how long can I consume American Cranberry Capsules safely?
    You can safely have American Cranberry in a dose of 500 MG daily for 12 months. You can then take a gap of 6 to 8 weeks and restart if need be.
  • How long does American Cranberry take to start showing its effect?
    Consistency of dose is of utmost importance for result from any medicine or natural supplement. You will start to feel the benefits of American Cranberry from the 1 st month onwards. However, if you are having problems of recurrent UTIs, then you will notice a significant reduction of the recurrence of UTIs in you after starting American Cranberry and have great urinary tract health after 3 months.
  • What is the best way to control Urinary Tract Infection?
    There is no singular way of controlling or curing UTI. It must be a multi-dimensional approach. Some of the pointers you can keep in mind are as follows, which apply to both Males & Females:  Start with keeping your urinary areas clean always.  Clean up genitals thoroughly after every visit to the toilet.  Always used clean undergarments.  Avoid using dirty or un-sanitized public toilets.  Keep toilets at home always sparking & disinfected always.  Have plenty of liquids.  Go for a complete checkup from your doctor in case you contact UTI.  Complete the course of medicines or antibiotics prescribed by your doctor.  Don’t get into self-medication or recommendations from friends or relations.  Avoid unprotected sex.  Choose a product of American Cranberry with a high PAC content & add it as a regular part of your daily diet.  Avoid Cranberry Juice as they are high in sugar & low on PAC.





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